Motto: Changing Lives Nationwide!
We are a multi-cultural, multi-dimensional, non-denominational service and helps community services network where your gifts will make room for you, connecting marketplace nonprofit organizations and developing community outreach programs. Our main outreach activity, PROJECT H.E.L.P. COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM includes preparation and delivery of healthcare gift bags or baskets helping the Homeless, Elderly, Lost youth, and Prisoners’ families. We donate healthcare items such as paper towels, toilet tissue, cleansing wipes, soap, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, shower gel, blankets, socks, detergent, and other items that our target group will need to care for their personal needs. In addition, we manage several other in-service programs for members and outreach programs for the community. Our plans are to hold an annual fundraising event that includes a “marketplace expo and book fair” to provide financial support for expenses for all our programs.
We are established for the purpose of developing a network of women in a variety of leadership roles in Ministry, Media, Marketing, Music, Mentoring, Military & Missions who are working together through connection, communication, and collaboration.
Basic Membership is $50. A Lifetime VIP Membership option is also available. We are here for you through prayer, community services support, information, and resources to help you become the leader you are destined to be. We are here to serve…not to be served. Join us…!
Multicultural women working together through connection, communication and collaboration with individuals, businesses and organizations to provide services, education and training to educate, encourage, equip, empower and impact the lives of women and underprivileged young girls through community outreach, leadership mentoring, health and wellness care, including mental health counseling; assisting them in reaching their full potential to improve their quality of life for the betterment of the community.
Developing new chapters nationwide to become resource centers locally and through establishing new chapters nationwide that provide networking opportunities and supporting resources to improve the quality of life of women and underprivileged young girls for the betterment of individuals, businesses and organizations while strengthening families and communities socially, financially, and economically.
the H.E.L.P OUTREACH project
Roberta Tyler Handy Mentoring and Education Program
literary enrichment program
leadership mentoring program
Young women abstinence program
Women’s Fresh start initiative
Shirley harrison military veterans outreach program
family wellness, mental health & spiritual development program
the H.E.L.P OUTREACH project Next
Distribution Date: May 25, 2024
Women Veterans
Location: VA Hospital OST Houston, tx
10am to 1pm
speaker: Dr. D Tyler Brown, Iwam founder & CEO(We need your financial support and donations)
It is our desire to help those in need in these areas as we move forward in our community outreach. This program is supported by all executive board members, and members in the organization.
Submit your names to add to the list of people to receive the donations so that we may provide gifts baskets to as many people as possible with needs. IWAM signature outreach program. This year we will focus on distribution of healthcare gift baskets if we receive enough donations.
H – Homeless Healthcare Project
E – Elderly Healthcare Project
L – Lost Youth Healthcare Project
P – Prisoners Families Healthcare Project
Homeless Activities: Gift baskets filled with needed items: lotion, dried fruit, scented candles, mug, blankets, towels, soaps, toothpaste, and other necessary items we can collect. Talk with homeless shelters.
Elderly Activities: Gift cards donated by Walmart, Target, HEB, and other stores, clothing, blankets, socks, tissue, cleansing wipes, shower gel, soap, lotion, detergent, kleenex, comb their hair, help get their clothes washed, grocery store shopping, visit to nursing homes. Submit a list of names of those ages 65 or older that we can support including members of IWAM to receive healthcare gift bags.
Lost Teen & At-Risk Youth Activities: Gift of salvation, share the word, prayer cards, hand out tracts, witness, listen to them tell their story, ask how we can help, show them we care. Determine areas in Houston to meet with the lost, invite them to come to a bible study meeting by providing the name and address location.
Prisoners Families Activities: Gift of encouragement, bring hope, write letters, prayer cards, bring laughter, ask how can we help, connect them with family, bring family to visit if transportation is needed, provide clothing and shoes, toys for Christmas, etc. Let’s start with collecting the names of women prisons in the Houston Metropolitan Areas.
Dr. Roberta Washington, Board Director
Roberta Tyler Handy Mentoring and Education (EMCEE) Program
This program is an opportunity to provide underprivileged senior high school girls mentoring support to achieve sustained success in their higher education journey. We are committed to giving students ongoing support (financially, socially, academically and emotionally) to help them have a positive college experience so that they graduate prepared to enter the workforce. Program participants are encouraged to choose academic degree courses in education, mathematics, chemistry, engineering and entrepreneurship. Mentoring provided by individuals with several years work experience in the areas listed are available to assist each student, especially in chemistry and engineering.
Please submit a request for an application to the Roberta Tyler Handy Mentoring and Education EMCEE Program to be selected for participation and to receive the award:
EMCEE Award. Education, Mathematics, Chemistry, Engineering and Entrepreneur
We help students to soar higher and higher by assisting them to complete their education journey in education, mathematics, chemistry, engineering and entrepreneur, and other STEM areas.
Roberta Tyler Handy passed away in May 2010 at age 63 with complications of colon cancer and other health challenges. She graduated from Morehouse High School in Bastrop, Louisiana with a 4.0 GPA, Southern University with a 3.5 in Mathematics and Chemistry, received an MBA from the University of Houston, was a programmer at IBM, an entrepreneur, and loved teaching mathematics. She was married with four children and five grand children when she passed away. It is our desire to honor her achievements and encourage other young women to continue their education journey and to make a difference in someone else’s life. She enjoyed teaching. She joined AKA Sorority at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Dr. D Tyler Brown
Executive Director
Rosemary Tyler
Assistant Program
literary enrichment & youth development program
Bishop Dr. Mary Lewallen, National Chief Financial Officer and Program Director
This reading enrichment program enhances the lives of young children ages 5 through 7 and gives them an opportunity to learn about themselves and the world through series of selected book reading sessions. Volunteers are needed for this program.
Leadership Mentoring program
Sometimes you may feel as if you are alone and no one understands you, but there is always someone to help you and to encourage you.
We will be using the Bible and John Maxwell’s book and workbook on “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” and “Leadership 101” to schedule online teleconference calls, webinars and local seminars. We will also use other leadership publications and training material to help you transform your leadership skills. You will be notified of the dates to register to attend these informative sessions to help you to grow and expand your ministry and become the leader you are destined to be.
There will be 12 people selected to participate in the mentoring program in 2024 (“The Esther Project”). You are welcome to sign up today. There will be special activities planned especially for you. You will be personally coached and mentored to help you achieve your goals. You will be glad you did.
Leadership ability determines the level of a person’s effectiveness.
Contact Dr. D Tyler Brown, CEO and Program Director Submit your request to participate in the Contact Form..
Dr. D Tyler Brown, CEO and Program Director
training young girls to abstain from having pre-marital sex
Bishop Dr. Mary Lewallen, National Chief Financial Officer and Program Director
This is a comprehensive, community-based initiative designed to support, educate, and empower young women ages 12-25 in making informed decisions about their sexual health and relationships. Rooted in the principle of abstinence, the program offers a holistic approach to understanding the emotional, social, and health benefits of delaying sexual activity until marriage or a stable, committed relationship. Through a series of workshops, seminars, and one-on-one mentorship, participants are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate peer pressure, build self-esteem, and understand the importance of setting personal boundaries.
The program fosters a safe and supportive environment where young women can openly discuss topics related to sexuality, relationships dynamics, and the consequences of early sexual engagement. It emphasizes the value of self-respect, the power of choice, and the importance of future planning. Additionally, the Young Women’s Abstinence Program collaborates with parents, schools, and healthcare professionals to create a community-wide support network, ensuring that young women receive consistent messages about abstinence and its benefits.
By participating in the program, young women are encouraged to take control of their futures, make positive life choices, and develop a strong foundation for healthy relationships. Through education, empowerment, and community engagement, the Young Women’s Abstinence Program aims to inspire a new generation of informed, confident, and responsible young women.
Women’s Fresh start initiative
There are times during a women’s life where she needs help in order to live an independent productive life. Those who reach out to us for assistance in locating housing, feeding their children, abusive relationships, moving from halfway house, etc., we will help or recommend assistance from local representatives or other non-profit organizations.
Warniek Waters, Assistant Treasurer and Program Director
Shirley harrison military veterans outreach program
Minister Betty A. McGee
Director, Shirley Harrison Military Veterans Outreach
Our veterans have served our country and now we’re here to serve and support them. There are some who are homeless, committed permanently to VA hospitals, need employment, encouragement and other opportunities to raise their independence and level of dignity.
Let’s do our part to help…put on the whole armor of God.
family wellness, mental health & spiritual development program
Cheryl Lacey-Donovan, Program Director
You are encouraged to reach out to other members, and also reach out to those who are lost, need deliverance from oppression, been released from prison, need to be encouraged to pray or encourage men to attend regular church worship services. There is a reason why there are so few men attending church worship. We will provide seminars and workshop to ensure family wellness, mental health and spiritual development with speakers and relevant topics discussed. Laughter is a good thing!
Goals are set for Our Annual Events and Other Activities
This community services public charity and networking organization started because several women desired to get together on a regular basis to fellowship and discuss their community services assignments.
After several conversations with Bishop Mary Lewallen and Pastor Shirley Harrison, Dr. Brown while on the phone with Pastor Shirley, the Lord spoke into her spirit on Wednesday, May 28, 2014, to start “International Women’s Alliance Ministries” and so the challenge and manifestation of the vision has been moving forward from that point. This organization includes women in marketplace services including Media, Marketing, Music, Mentoring, Military and Missions. This collaboration and fellowship of women and Dr. Brown while still on the phone with Pastor Shirley Harrison set up a web site and things began to unfold. Later we contacted Pastor Cheryl in a text message. We held our first interest meeting at Holiday Inn Reliant location. And as they say “the rest is History.
During a fellowship conversation with our first National Vice President, Pastor Shirley Broussard Harrison (now deceased) on Saturday morning, June 7, 2014, we were talking about how Jesus Christ is raising himself up in the hearts of his people all over the world, and how many people want to build a bigger physical building and I quoted the scripture from the book of Matthew 16:18 where Jesus Christ said “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” It was then that I had an epiphany about how he would do it. Then Pastor Shirley referred to the introduction of the book of Zechariah in the Message Bible and as she read it to me over the telephone my spirit leaped in agreement. This passage of text just sealed everything for me that we were moving in agreement and obedience to what the Lord is doing in this women’s alliance ministry vision. As I share it with you reflect on the highlighted text…amen. You are the temple of God.
Let’s rebuild the temple…together!
Introduction to Book of Zechariah from Message Bible
Zechariah shared with his contemporary Haggai the prophetic task of getting the people of Judah to rebuild their ruined Temple. Their preaching pulled the people out of self-preoccupation and got them working together as a people of God. There was a job to do, and the two prophets teamed up to make sure it got done. But Zechariah did more than that. For the people were faced with more than a ruined Temple and city. Their self-identity as the people of God was in ruins. For a century they had been knocked around by the world powers, kicked and mocked, used and abused. This once proud people, their glorious sacred history starred with the names of Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, and Isaiah, had been treated with contempt for so long that they were in danger of losing all connection with that past, losing their magnificent identity as God’s people.
Zechariah was a major factor in recovering the magnificence from the ruins of a degrading exile. Zechariah reinvigorated their imaginations with his visions and messages. The visions provided images of a sovereign God that worked their way into the lives of the people, countering the long ordeal of debasement and ridicule. The messages forged a fresh vocabulary that gave energy and credibility to the long-term purposes of God being worked out in their lives.
But that isn’t the end of it. Zechariah’s enigmatic visions, working at multiple levels, and his poetically charged messages are at work still, like time capsules in the lives of God’s people, continuing to release insight and hope and clarity for the people whom God is using to work out his purposes in a world that has no language for God and the purposes of God.
What We Believe
Our Statement of Faith
We believe that the Scriptures of the Holy Bible are the Word of God written and are therefore inerrant in the original writings. They constitute the Divine rule of those who practice faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that all Disciples for Christ are called through the Great Commission to do the works of Christ here upon the earth. We have been equipped by the Holy Spirit with the full range of spiritual gifts to accomplish this task.
We believe that in the person of Jesus Christ that both the Divine and human natures are united so that He is truly God and truly man. He is the only Mediator between God and humankind and His sacrifice at Calvary made atonement available for the sins of all who believe in Him as their Savior.
We believe that all Believers in Jesus Christ should constantly pursue a sanctified life and seek the continued fullness of the Holy Spirit. They should endeavor to submit every part of their life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in order to be led by the Spirit in their daily living.